Need information?
Please select from the options on this page to send your enquiries about Chamber membership, activities and related matters. We will respond as soon as possible.
We would also love to hear your ideas and suggestions on what you think the Chamber should be doing – and what not! If there is an event you would like us to put on, or a Breakfast Club topic or indeed you would like to run an event – please do let us know.
Please remember that all the Committee are volunteers – so a response might take a few days.
The Chamber will not respond to unsolicited offers of products and services.
Our postal address is:
Longdene House, Hedgehog Lane, Haslemere GU27 2PH
Queries and Questions?
We have a number of ways of answering your queries. Please select the most appropriate method from the options below:
Membership Queries
- Apply for membership here; or
- Email our membership manager directly at membershipmanager@haslemerechamber.co.uk
Website Queries
If you have queries about the website – password resets, updating your profile, or adding posts for example. You may:
- Click here for our help page; or
- email our webmaster directly at webmaster@haslemerechamber.co.uk.
Payment Queries
If you need to contact us about payments, invoices or receipts, our Treasurer can be reached at treasurer@haslemerechamber.co.uk.
Newsletter Content and Subscriptions
If you would like to submit content or suggestions for the newsletter you can reach our scribe at newsletter@haslemerechamber.co.uk.
General Chamber matters
Use this form to ask general and any queries about the Haslemere and District Chamber of Trade and Commerce. The form will go to the Chamber President. You can also email the President directly at president@haslemerechamber.co.uk