Local news… from members and the Chamber.
Bookmark this page and check it frequently to stay in touch with the latest news about the Haslemere business community. You’ll find items from the Chamber together with news about member businesses. If you are a member, please post as often as possible to your profile page: your contributions will be added to this news feed automatically.
It’s currently 30 degrees centigrade (in September) but we want you know know about the Christmas Carols on December 14th that are arranged by Haslemere Town Council in the High Street! Volunteers from the Chamber will be there serving mulled wine for donations to the...
Hospital Friends’ new fundraising campaign gets off to a flying start
A campaign to raise funds to buy a new hoist that will safely transfer patients in and out of the hydrotherapy pool at Holy Cross Hospital has got off to an encouraging start. Within days of launching the £30,000 fundraising target, the Friends of Holy Cross Hospital...
High Sheriff of Surrey presents prizes to staff at Holy Cross Hospital
Holy Cross Hospital in Haslemere has held its annual prize-giving celebration to give thanks and recognition to members of staff who have successfully completed a course of study during the past year. His Honour Christopher Critchlow DL, High Sheriff of Surrey...
Sign up today for Boxing Day Run
The Boxing Day run returns for 2022 and entries are now open. The popular charity event is a 3.5 mile run across the countryside of the Hindhead Commons which raises money for Holy Cross Hospital in Haslemere. “Please sign up for this fantastic fundraising run for the...
Disability Discrimination
It is estimated that one in five people in the UK have a disability, but only around half of those people are able to find employment. At the same time businesses are reporting difficulties in recruiting to vacancies. Could it be that these two things are related?...
Bank Holiday Sickness Absence
If an employee is ill over a Bank Holiday are they entitled to receive time off in lieu? Employees are statutorily entitled to 5.6 weeks paid holiday in any annual leave year (Working Time Regulations 1998). That figure is inclusive of bank holidays - 28 days for a...
Annual Leave Entitlement and the Extra Bank Holiday
This year an extra bank holiday was provided for the Platinum Jubilee, the question is whether that announcement provided employees with an extra day's annual leave. The answer to the question will be in the Statement of Terms & Conditions you have provided to...
Holy Cross Hospital celebrates nursing for International Nurses’ Day
Haslemere’s Holy Cross Hospital is celebrating the phenomenal contribution of nursing to the care and treatment of people with complex neurological conditions, this International Nurses’ Day (12 May). “The message from this year’s International Nurses’ Day reflects...
Work Related References
For the most part, employers have no legal obligation to provide a reference and are entitled to refuse. There are some exceptions to that rule. People working in the finance sector must provide a reference and people working in an environment where there are...
Protecting Your Staff from Abusive Customers
We none of us want or need abusive customers/clients but, unfortunately, it happens from time to time. If abuse comes from an internal source it is relatively easy to deal with but if the abuse comes from a third party such as a client or customer, the situation can...
Statutory Sick Pay Changes
There are some changes taking place to Statutory Sick Pay. From 24th March employers with fewer than 250 employees will no longer be able to reclaim Covid related SSP from HMRC. From 24th March Covid related sickness absence will only attract SSP from Day 4 in line...
Annual Statutory Pay Uplifts 2022/2023
As usual, statutory payments will increase at the beginning of April. I have set out the new rates below. Statutory Sick Pay (SSP): This will increase to £99.35 per week, up from £96.35. Please note that if you employ zero hours contractors or casual staff they are...