Shopping in Haslemere & Wey Hill
Across the railway tracks on the other side of Haslemere from the High Street is the compact shopping area of Wey Hill. Although smaller than the High Street, Wey Hill more than compensates with a great variety of independent retailers offering fantastic shopping to visitors.
Wey Hill Shops
Among the shops you will find in Wey Hill there are several retailers that will help those looking to improve their homes. There are flooring, carpet and rug shops, a haberdasher, an appliance retailer and two furniture shops.
There are also many retailers offering fresh produce – meat, vegetables, health food products.
Anyone going out to a party has a range of options for buying gifts and cards, before making themselves look good at the nail bar or one of Wey Hill’s hairdressers or barbers. If the party is fancy dress, then you could pop along to the Hokey Cokey and pick up a costume.
Wey Hill is also home to Chamberlain Music, one of the leading independent music shops in the UK.

Wey Hill restaurants
Food lovers regularly flock to Wey Hill for its collection of Far Eastern and British cuisine. Indian, Thai and Chinese dining is available along with pizza, fish and chips, and several cafes. Anyone looking for a sweet treat should head to Dylan’s Milk Barn, which offers several flavours of freshly made ice cream.

Things to do in Wey Hill
Wey Hill is fortunate enough to have a green at either end – Lion Green and St Christopher’s Green. The larger of the two, Lion Green hosts regular entertainments for all the family to enjoy. Some of the highlights are the Haslemere Fringe Festival, The Wave, Dylan’s Ice Cream Festival, Haslemere Food Festival and a circus and funfair. The look of Wey Hill is also enhanced at particular times of year with colourful flowers during the summer months, thanks to Haslemere in Bloom, and some of the best Christmas lights for miles around at the festive season.

Car parking
Wey Hill is blessed with having a large amount of car parking nearby. Towards the train station, there is the Pay and Display at Weydown Road, and the free to use Fairground Car Park. During the week these are predominantly occupied by commuters, although spaces can usually always be found, while at the weekend there is ample parking. For those using M&S or Tesco at the other end of Wey Hill, the supermarkets provide their own parking facilities. Anyone just looking to pop into one of the shops can use the on road parking.