A project aimed at building a wheelchair accessible outside space for patients at Holy Cross Hospital is a step closer to achieving its fundraising target.
The inaugural Brighton Capel Monster took place on Saturday 30 June and saw 47 riders cycle from Brighton to the village of Capel and back again. The total distance covered was 85 miles (125 kilometres).
Project lead Tom Hatton said: “The riders enjoyed some stunning countryside as they journeyed through Sussex and Surrey. By taking part in the race they have helped us raise several thousand pounds so that patients at Holy Cross will soon be able to get out and experience the hillside woodland in the hospital grounds. Our vision for the Treehouse Project is to build a 15-metre walkway that will lead onto a 4-metre viewing platform so that patients and their friends and family can be together and take in some fresh air in a tranquil space.
“I would like to thank everybody who took part in the Brighton Capel Monster, our volunteer marshals and Farr Brewery for sponsoring the event.”
To date, £25,000 has been raised but more is needed to achieve this ambitious project. More information can be found on the project’s fundraising page at www.gogetfunding.com/the-treehouse-project.