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I mentor the social media scared and help businesses get the best from their platforms and by posting and interacting as you so you can continue with what you love - your business.

Social Media is NOT admin! It’s marketing, pr, networking and needs dialogue.

Host #SurreyChat on Saturday mornings on Twitter - another way of gaining engagement.

As @HaslemereWorks I host regular monthly meetings on Zoom for small businesses to come together share their skills and to support one another.

@HaslemereWorks also host coworking events in and around the area - currently the 1st Thursday of the month at the Fernhurst Hub from 10am to 1pm.

I’m also responsible for the volunteers at the Haslemere Information Hub at Haslemere Station as part of community rail, encouraging people to come to Haslemere to enjoy our surroundings and our independent businesses.

Compulsive connector! Not a Fiefdom!

This user account status is Approved
Charities, Marketing, Web and Graphic Design, PR and Copywriting, Media