The voice of local businesses within a 5 mile range of
Haslemere Town Hall
If your business address is within a 5 mile radius of Haslemere Town Hall then you can join us and your fellow businesses for support, events and more!
Membership is currently just £60 per annum.

We return to Camelsdale for the monthly networking event on the last Wednesday of the month.
Booking via Eventbrite:
Join us!
Just £60 a year to join the Chamber:
Chamber Drinks
Space on this website
Newsletter promotion
Private Members only Facebook Group
Promotion via Twitter and Instagram
Meet The Business
And more – have your say.
Want to publish an article on this site but need some help? See our new
page for useful tips on getting the best out of your words and pictures.
Haslemere & District Chamber of Trade & Commerce
The Chamber aims to foster economic growth in and around Haslemere by supporting its members through an expanding range of activities including:
- Start-up and small business accommodation
- Knowledge-sharing and networking events
- Publicity and promotional opportunities
- Liaison with local authorities and interest groups
- Speaking out on business issues
Twitter: @haslemerechmbr
Instagram: @HaslemereChamber
Read the Newsletter
The Bugle Newsletter is published monthly and publishes Chamber news and events as well as business news and local events. Members get the Newsletter automatically, but we welcome additional subscribers. Back numbers are available. Click SUBSCRIBE or READ ARCHIVE.
We welcome views on news items – To comment please log in
New to the area?
If you are planning to live or work in Haslemere and its surrounding area – or just visiting – you’ll appreciate some background knowledge before you arrive. There’s plenty of useful information in our Local Info section. Click HERE
The Haslemere and District Chamber of Trade and Commerce is one of four autonomous chambers in the Borough of Waverley and we are delighted to work alongside our neighbouring chambers. We are also affiliated to the Surrey Chambers of Commerce.